Where There’s a Will…
Francis Best writes.
It struck me recently that we have gained several new club members over the last year or two that some of the established brigade won’t necessarily know. It’s interesting how the pandemic has changed the shape of the club. There are those new to chess, or whose interest was rekindled during enforced lockdown and who have recently come to (or back to) over the board chess. Then there are those who have belonged to the club for years but who have not yet felt able to return to over the board chess, especially since moving to our new venue at the Nerdy Café. It’s as though there are two sub-communities of Shrewsbury Club who have never met each other and this set me thinking. Although there are some club members who belong to both communities, there are not many and it would be good to effect some introductions or at least share a few more details about individual members.

I recently caught up with Will Apted, who has been coming to the Nerdy Café for some months and supported the team in the final evening of the Shropshire Rapidplay competition on 1st July at the Nerdy, achieving a very creditable two out of three. Will had also played in our final match of the main league. Although Will lost this latter game, he put up a good fight and, considering he has only been playing chess for just over a year, has already reached a decent standard. So, what makes this 22 year old from Shrewsbury tick?
Apted works as a finance officer, although he says his role is really more about data management. Like many, he started playing online but feels there is more improvement to be gained by playing over the board. I asked him how he has managed to improve his chess since starting out. He likes Simon Williams’ improvement videos and games and this probably explains the preference for attacking in his own play. “Sometimes it’s not possible,” says Will with a rueful smile – maybe that’s an area for future improvement.
It turns out that Will is a keen badminton player. He is probably better at badminton than chess, he freely admits, but then he has been playing badminton for five years. What about a favourite book? Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Film? The Shining. TV series: Breaking Bad. Who would have thought it from this mild-mannered Shropshire lad?!
Perhaps music provides the inspiration. Temporarily, Will is stumped. “Well, I listen to all sorts. I tend to pick something up through adverts, search out the tunes and add them to my playlist,” he adds, after a moment or two of reflection. So, an eclectic mix all round really.
Finally, I asked Will for a game that has made a particular impression on him. He went for a game which the young Vishy Anand played against Ivan Souza in the World U20 championship in 1984, which you can play through here.
Why don’t you come along to the Nerdy and meet Will or any of the other club members? Next club night is Friday 9th September.