Club Championship
The Shrewsbury Club Championship is an internal, 5 round competition run by Stephen Priestley.
The competition for 2024/5 consists of five rounds. All games should be played either over the board with a time control of 1 hour 25 minutes plus 10 second increment or, as rated on the LiChess website with a time control of 45 minutes plus a 15 second increments per move.
Players with white should initiate the date and time for the challenge, a half point incentive will be awarded for completing the game within the scheduled time slot.
Round 2 pairings and results
Please play your games by 6th April to qualify for the half point incentive
White | Result | Black |
Shane Greenwood (1.5) | Olusegun Ilesanmi (1.5) | |
Fred Bennett (1.5) | Daniel Lockett (1.5) | |
Mark Smith (1.5) | Ivor Salter (1.5) | |
Peter Kitchen (0.5) | Ian Davies (1.5) | |
Stephen Priestley (0.5) | Tony Purser (0.5) | |
Nick Holmes (0.5) | Richard Vernon (0.5) | |
David Edwards (0.5) | Tom Maiden (0.5) |
Round 1 pairings and results
White | Result | Black |
Ivor Salter | 1-0 | Peter Kitchen |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 1-0 | Nick Holmes |
Ian Davies | 1-0 | Stephen Priestley |
Daniel Lockett | 1-0 | David Edwards |
Tony Purser | 0-1 | Mark Smith |
Shane Greenwood | 1-0 | Richard Vernon |
Tom Maiden | 0-1 | Fred Bennett |
2023 / 2024 Tournament
The 2023/24 club championship had two winners. The title was shared By Peter Kitchen and Stephen Priestley. Congratulations both.
Round 5 pairings and results
Please play your games by Friday 30th August to qualify for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Peter (5.5) | journopete83 | 0.5-0.5 | Ile (5) | WiseShegzee |
Stephen (5) | Casimir71 | 1-0 | David (4.5) | Shrewdedz |
Mark (4+) | marksmith77 | Robert (3.5) | Zielony33 | |
Ivor (3.5) | 0.5-0.5 | Richard (3.5) | vernalobos | |
Dan (2.5+) | SilurianDan | 1-0 | Ian (2.5) | OTB |
Tony (2.5) | Charontony | withdrawn | ||
Norman (1) | redboyx | bye |
Round 4 pairings and results
Please play your games by Friday 19th July to qualify for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Robert (3) | Zielony33 | 0-1 | Peter (4) | journopete83 |
Stephen (3.5) | Casimir71 | 1-0 | Ivor (3) | Mr_Ivor |
Ian (2) | OTB | 0-1 | Ile (3.5) | WiseShegzee |
David (3) | Shrewdedz | 1-0 | Dan (2+) | SilurianDan |
Richard (1.5+) | vernalobos | 0-1 | Mark (1++) | marksmith77 |
Tony (2.5) | Charontony | Norman (1++) | redboyx |
Round 3 Pairings and Results
Please complete your games by Friday 31st May to qualify for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Olesegun Ilesanmi (3) | WiseShegzee | 0-1 | Stephen Priestley (2) | casimir71 |
Peter Kitchen (2.5) | journopete83 | 1-0 | Tony Purser (2) | Charantony |
Ivor Salter (2.5) | Mr_Ivor | 0-1 | Robert Green (1.5) | Zielony33 |
David Edwards (1.5) | shrewdedz | 1-0 | Richard Vernon (1+) | vernalobos |
Daniel Lockett (1+) | SilurianDan | 0.5-0.5 | Ian Davies (1) | OTB |
Norman O’Connor (1+) | redboyx | Mark Smith (1+) | marksmith77 |
Round 2 Pairings and Results
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Tony Purser (1.5) | Charantony | 0-1 | Ilesanmi Olusegun (1.5) | WiseShegzee |
Richard Vernon (1) | vernalobos | Norman O’Connor (1) | redboyx | |
Stephen Priestley (1) | casimir71 | 0.5-0.5 | Peter Kitchen (1.5) | journopete83 |
Ian Davies (0.5) | OTB | 0-1 | Ivor Salter (1) | Mr_Ivor |
Mark Smith (1) | marksmith77 | Daniel Lockett (1) | SilurianDan | |
Robert Green (0.5) | Zielony33 | 0.5-0.5 | David Edwards(0.5) | shrewdedz |
Round 1 Pairings and Results
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | (OTB) | 1-0 | Robert Green | Zielony33 |
Norman O’Connor | redboyx | 0.5-0.5 | Stephen Priestley | Casimir71 |
Peter Kitchen | journopete83 | 1-0 | Ian Davies | (OTB) |
Ivor Salter | Mr_Ivor | 0.5-0.5 | Mark Smith | marksmith77 |
Daniel Lockett | SilurianDan | 0.5-0.5 | Richard Vernon | vernalobos |
David Edwards | shrewdedz | 0-1 | Tony Purser | Charantony |
2022 / 2023 Tournament
The 2022/23 club championship was won jointly by Nat Paul and Stephen Priestley who tied after a three way playoff.
Round 5 Pairings – to be completed by Friday 14th July to qualify for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Nat Paul (5.5) | natpaul | ½-½ | Francis Best (4) | ephpeebee |
Norman O’Connor (4.5) | redboyx | 0 – 1 | Stephen Priestley (5) | Casimir71 |
Dan Lockett (5) | SilurianDan | 1 – 0 | Peter Kitchen (4.5) | Journopete83 |
Ian Davies (4.5) | OTB | 0 – 1 | Ivor Salter (3.5) | Mr_Ivor |
Mark Smith (3.5) | marksmith77 | Rob Green (4) | Zielony33 | |
Will Apted (3) | DustFeather | Richard Vernon (3) | Vernalobos | |
Tony Purser (4) | Charantony | Withdrawn |
Round 4 Pairings – to be completed by Friday 2nd June to qualify for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Peter Kitchen (3½) | Journopete83 | ½-½ | Nat Paul (4½) | natpaul |
Stephen Priestley (3½) | Casimir71 | 1 – 0 | Francis Best (3½) | ephpeebee |
Dan Lockett (3½) | SilurianDan | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter (3) | Mr_Ivor |
Norman O’Connor (3) | redboyx | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith (3) | marksmith77 |
Richard Vernon (2½) | Vernalobos |
0 – 1 (Def) | Ian Davies (3) | OTB |
Rob Green (2½) | Zielony33 | 1 – 0 | Will Apted (2½) | DustFeather |
Tony Purser (2½) | Charantony | Full point bye |
Round 3 Pairings – to be completed by Friday 21st April to qualify for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Nat Paul (3) | natpaul | 1 – 0 | Dan Lockett (3) | SilurianDan |
Francis Best (3) | ephpeebee | 0 – 1 | Peter Kitchen (2) | Journopete83 |
Mark Smith (2½) | marksmith77 | 0 – 1 | Stephen Priestley (2) | Casimir71 |
Ian Davies (1½) | OTB | 1 – 0 | Rob Green (2) | Zielony33 |
Ivor Salter (1½) | Mr_Ivor | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser (2) | Charantony |
Will Apted (2) | DustFeather | 0 – 1 | Norman O’Connor (1½) | redboyx |
Richard Vernon (1) | Vernalobos | Full point bye |
Round 2 Pairings – to be completed by Friday 10th March 2023 for the half point incentive.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Stephen Priestley (1½) | Casimir71 | 0 – 1 | Nat Paul (1½) | natpaul |
Rob Green (1½) | Zielony33 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best (1½) | ephpeebee |
Peter Kitchen (1) | Journopete83 | ½-½ | Mark Smith (1½) | marksmith77 |
Dan Lockett (1½) | SilurianDan | 1 – 0 | Ian Davies (1) | OTB |
Norman O’Connor (½) | redboyx | ½-½ | Ivor Salter (½) | Mr_Ivor |
Tony Purser (½) | Charantony | 1 – 0 | Richard Vernon (½) | Vernalobos |
Will Apted (½) | DustFeather | 1 – 0 | Full point bye |
Tony has drawn the first round as follows:
Round 1 Pairings – to be completed by Wednesday 1st February 2023.
White | LiChess | Result | Black | LiChess |
Nat Paul | natpaul | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor | redboyx |
Ian Davies | OTB | ½-½ | Peter Kitchen | Journopete83 |
Francis Best | ephpeebee | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser | Charantony |
Richard Vernon | Vernalobos | 0 – 1 | Stephen Priestley | Casimir71 |
Mark Smith | marksmith77 | 1 – 0 | Robin Nayman | Withdrawn |
Will Apted | DustFeather | 0 – 1 | Dan Lockett | SilurianDan |
Ivor Salter | Mr_Ivor | 0 – 1 | Rob Green | Zielony33 |
2021 / 2022 Tournament
Tony Purser has announced the start of this year’s club championship.
The competition for 2022 will consist of five rounds played on Lichess website. Games must be played as rated games, with a time control of 45 minutes plus 15 second increments.
As far as possible, the online league rules will apply. These can be found on the Shropshire Chess Association website. Players with white should initiate the date and time for the challenge.
A half point incentive will be awarded to each player completing their game within the scheduled time slot for each round.
Final playoff completed
Tony Purser, tournament controller, writes: “Congratulations to Francis on retaining his club championship title following the playoff deciding game versus Dan (see game here). Well played to both for playing the match in an aggressive and interesting manner.
“Francis was undefeated throughout and Dan won all of his games except the one with Francis to finish a very worthy runner up.
“A special mention to Stephen Priestley for another excellent performance, also creditable displays from Peter, Norman and myself who all finished on five points.
“Thanks to everyone who took part and enjoyed the competition.”
This year’s tournament saw players awarded an extra half point for playing their games before the round deadline. All of these deadlines were met, meaning Best and Lockett ended on 6.5, Priestley 5.5 for his 3/5 and Kitchen, O’Connor and Purser five points for scoring 2.5/5.
Round 5 Pairings – To be completed by Friday 24 June 2022
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Francis Best (5½) | ephpeebee | ½-½ | Stephen Priestley (4½) | Casimir71 |
Daniel Lockett (5) | SilurianDan | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor (4½) | redboyx |
Tony Purser (4) | Charantony | ½-½ | Ivor Salter (3½) | Mr_Ivor |
Peter Kitchen (3½) | journopete83 | 1 – 0 | Robin Nayman (2½) | rnayman |
Mark Smith (3½) | marksmith77 | Richard Vernon (3½) | vernalobos |
Round 4 Pairings – To be completed by Friday 20 May 2022
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Norman O’Connor (3½) | redboyx | ½-½ | Francis Best (4½) | ephpeebee |
Ivor Salter (3) | Mr_Ivor | 0 – 1 | Daniel Lockett (3½) | SilurianDan |
Stephen Priestley (3) | Casimir71 | 1 – 0 | Peter Kitchen (3) | journopete83 |
Richard Vernon (3) | vernalobos | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser (2½) | Charantony |
Robin Nayman (1½) | rnayman | ½-½ | Mark Smith (2½) | marksmith77 |
Round 3 Pairings – To be completed by Friday 15 April 2022
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Peter Kitchen (2½) | journopete83 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best (3) | ephpeebee |
Daniel Lockett (2) | SilurianDan | 1 – 0 | Stephen Priestley (2½) | Casimir71 |
Richard Vernon (2) | vernalobos | ½-½ | Norman O’Connor (2½) | redboyx |
Ivor Salter (1½) | Mr_Ivor | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith (2) | marksmith77 |
Tony Purser (1) | Charantony | 1 – 0 | Robin Nayman (1) | rnayman |
Round 2 Pairings – To be completed by Friday 11 March 2022
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Francis Best (1½) | ephpeebee | 1 – 0 | Daniel Lockett (1½) | SilurianDan |
Mark Smith (1½) | marksmith77 | 0 – 1 | Peter Kitchen (1) | journopete83 |
Stephen Priestley (1½) | Casimir71 | ½-½ | Ivor Salter (½) | Mr_Ivor |
Norman O’Connor (1) | redboyx | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser (½) | Charantony |
Robin Nayman (½) | rnayman | 0 – 1 | Richard Vernon (½) | vernalobos |
Round 1 Pairings – To be completed by Friday 11 February 2022
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Ivor Salter | Mr_Ivor |
0 – 1 | Francis Best | ephpeebee |
Peter Kitchen | journopete83 | ½-½ | Norman O’Connor | redboyx |
Tony Purser | Charantony | 0 – 1 | Mark Smith | marksmith77 |
Daniel Lockett | SilurianDan |
1 – 0 | Robin Nayman | rnayman |
Richard Vernon | vernalobos |
0 – 1 | Stephen Priestley | Casimir71 |
2020 / 2021 Tournament
The 2020/21 tournament was run online, through the Lichess platform and is now finished. Tony Purser says,
“Congratulations to Francis the winner of the 2020/21 Club Championship, a worthy and undefeated champion.
James is the runner up with excellent results, only missing out to Francis.
Creditable displays from Mark and Andrew who, as a new member, played extremely well.
Francis. 3wins. 2draws. +2.5 increments. = 6.5
James 3wins. 1draw. +2.5 increments. = 6.
Mark. 3wins. +2.5 increments. = 5.5
Andrew. 2wins. 2draws. +2.5 increments. = 5.5
Jim. 2wins. 1draw. +2.5 increments. = 5
Ivor. 2wins. 1draw. +2.5 increments. = 5
Norman. 1win. 3draws. +2.5 increments. = 5
Dan. 1bye. 2draws. +2.5 increments. = 4.5
Tony. 1bye. +2.5 increments. = 3.5
Robin. 1win. 1bye. +1.5 increments. =3.5
Olusegun and Stephen withdrew after playing a drawn game in round one and scored 1 point each.
Robin joined in round three.
Thanks to everyone for playing within the time limit and completing the championship in record time.”
All games to be played rated using the Lichess website with a time limit of 60 minutes plus 15 second increments.
A guide to Lichess Challenges can be found on the Shropshire Chess Association website.
As we have just six months to complete the championship there is an incentive of a half point for every player who completes their game within the scheduled time for each round, so a total of two and a half extra points available.
The pairings for round 5 are below. In order to achieve your additional half point incentive, you will need to have played your game by Friday 14th May 2021.
White | Lichess Handle | Result | Black | Lichess Handle |
Andrew Pritchard (4½) | APritchard | ½-½ | Francis Best (5½) | ephpeebee |
Norman O’Connor (4½) | redboyx | 0-1 | Mark Smith (4) | marksmith77 |
James Birch (4½) | Jamesbirch57 | 1-0 | Daniel Lockett (4) | SilurianDan |
Robin Nayman (3) | rnayman | 0-1 | Jim Wilkinson (3½) | jimwilk |
Ivor Salter (3½) | Mr_Ivor | 1-0 | Tony Purser (3) | Charantony |
The pairings for round 4 are below. In order to achieve your additional half point incentive, you will need to have played your game by Friday 23rd April 2021.
White | Lichess Handle | Result | Black | Lichess Handle |
Daniel Lockett (3½) | SilurianDan | 0 – 1 | Francis Best (4) | ephpeebee |
Mark Smith (2½) | marksmith77 | 1 – 0 | Andrew Pritchard (4) | APritchard |
Norman O’Connor (3½) | redboyx | ½-½ | James Birch (3½) | Jamesbirch57 |
Jim Wilkinson (2½) | jimwilk | ½-½ | Ivor Salter (2½) | Mr_Ivor |
Robin Nayman (1½) | rnayman | 1-0 | Tony Purser (2½) | Charantony |
The pairings for round 3 are below. In order to achieve your additional half point incentive, you will need to have played your game by Friday 19th March 2021. (Editor’s note: Welcome to Robin Nayman, who has joined the club championship at round 3, removing the need for a bye. Welcome Robin!)
White | Lichess Handle |
Result | Black | Lichess Handle |
Francis Best (3) | ephpeebee | ½-½ | Norman O’Connor (2½) | redboyx |
Andrew Pritchard (3) | APritchard | ½-½ | Daniel Lockett (2½) | SilurianDan |
James Birch (2) | Jamesbirch57 | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith (2) | marksmith77 |
Jim Wilkinson (1) | jimwilk | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser (2) | Charantony |
Ivor Salter (½) | Mr_Ivor | 1 – 0 | Robin Nayman | rnayman |
The pairings for round 2 are below (note that Stephen has unfortunately had to withdraw from the competition). In order to to achieve your half point additional incentive, you will need to complete your game by Friday 12th February 2021.
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Mark Smith (1½) | marksmith77 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best (1½) | ephpeebee |
Tony Purser (1½) | Charantony | 0 – 1 | Andrew Pritchard (1½) | APritchard |
Olusegun Ilesamni (withdrawn) | Wiseshegzy | 0 – 1 (def) | Daniel Lockett (1) | SilurianDan |
Norman O’Connor (1) | redboyx | 1 – 0 | Jim Wilkinson (½) | jimwilk |
James Birch (½) | Jamesbirch57 | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter (½) | Mr_Ivor |
The pairings and results for round 1 are below (congratulations to everyone for finishing your games within the time limit and earning the extra points!):
White | LiChess Handle | Result | Black | LiChess Handle |
Stephen Priestly | Casimir71 | ½-½ | Olusegun Ilesamni | Wiseshegzy |
Francis Best | ephpeebee | 1 – 0 | James Birch | Jamesbirch57 |
Ivor Salter | mr_Ivor | 0 – 1 | Mark Smith | marksmith77 |
Daniel Lockett | SilurianDan |
½-½ | Norman O’Connor | redboyx |
Andrew Pritchard | APritchard | 1 – 0 | Jim Wilkinson | jimwilk |
Tony Purser | Charantony | 1 – 0 | Bye |
2019 – 2020 Tournament
Please note that the 2019/20 club championship, in line with other chess events in Shropshire, was suspended during the Covid-19 situation. At a Special General Meeting, it was agreed that the club championship should be awarded to David Everington, who was leading at the time of the suspension. Congratulations, David!
Round 3
Shrewsbury Chess Club Championship 2019/20 | ||||
Round 3 | ||||
White | Black | |||
Name | Grading | Result | Name | Grading |
Norman O’Connor | 113 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 155 |
Tony Purser | 96 | Peter Kitchen | 155 | |
Ian Davies | 120 | Ivor Salter | 125 | |
Francis Best | 160 | Daniel Lockett | 140 | |
Mark Smith | 151 | 1 – 0 | James Birch | 107 |
Marius Maties | 73 | Jim Wilkinson | 128 | |
Angus Paton | u | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 161 |
Round 2 – Please play these games by Friday 17th January 2020
Shrewsbury Chess Club Championship 2019/20 | ||||
Round 2 | ||||
White | Black | |||
Name | Grading | Result | Name | Grading |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 158 | Daniel Lockett | 150 | |
Peter Kitchen | 163 | 1 -0 | Mark Smith | 151 |
David Everington | 154 | 1 – 0 | Ian Davies | 124 |
James Birch | 96 | 0 – 1 | Norman O’Connor | 110 |
Jim Wilkinson | 141 | Francis Best | 158 | |
Ivor Salter | 132 | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser | 100 |
Marius Maties | u | Angus Paton | u |
Round 1 – Please play these games by Friday 8th November 2019
Shrewsbury Chess Club Championship 2019/20 | ||||
Round 1 | ||||
White | Black | |||
Name | Grading | Result | Name | Grading |
Peter Kitchen | 163 | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 158 | |
Francis Best | 158 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 154 |
Mark Smith | 151 | 1 – 0 | Jim Wilkinson | 141 |
Daniel Lockett | 150 | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter | 132 |
Ian Davies | 124 | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser | 100 |
Norman O’Connor | 110 | 1 – 0 | Marius Maties | u |
Angus Paton | u | 0 – 1 | James Birch | 96 |
2018 – 2019 Tournament
Following the play off game, this year’s club champion is Francis Best, with Peter Kitchen the runner up, congratulations to both. Excellent results also from Olusegun and Ted sharing third position with three and a half point each. Tony Purser, Tournament Controller
The draw for this year’s competition will soon be made, if you are not interested, please let Tony know.
Round 5 – Please play these games by the AGM on Friday 23rd August 2019.
Given the results in round 5, Peter Kitchen and Francis Best are equal first with 4 points each. The controller has decided there will be a play-off between them, with a toss for colour on the evening. If that game is drawn, then three twenty minute games will take place.
Colours to be decided by toss on the night of the game
Note: July 2019 grades shown below.
White | Grade | Result | Black | Grade |
Peter Kitchen | 163 | ½ – ½ | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 158 |
Dan Lockett | 150 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best | 158 |
Ted Eales | 157 | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter | 132 |
David Everington | 154 | ½ – ½ | Mark Smith | 151 |
James Birch | ug | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor | 110 |
Ian Davies | 124 | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser | 100 |
Jim Wilkinson | 141 | 1 – 0 | Bye |
Round 4 –
Please play these games by Friday 14th June.
If you are drawn white please contact black to decide on a convenient date.
Andrew Scotford has taken Stephen Priestly’s place.
White | Grade | Result | Black | Grade |
Peter Kitchen | 162 | 1 – 0 | James Birch | 93 |
David Everington | 154 | 0 – 1 | Ted Eales | 152 |
Ivor Salter | 129 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best | 157 |
Dan Lockett | 154 | 1 – 0 | Jim Wilkinson | ug |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 152 | ½ – ½ | Mark Smith | 151 |
Norman O’Connor | 112 | ½ – ½ | Ian Davies | 130 |
Andrew Scotford | ug | Bye – 1 | Tony Purser | 113 |
Round 3 – Please play by Friday 19th April 2019
Andrew Scotford has taken Stephen Priestly’s place.
White | Grade | Result | Black | Grade |
Francis Best | 157 | ½ – ½ | David Everington | 154 |
Jim Wilkinson | ug | 0 – 1 | Peter Kitchen | 162 |
Ted Eales | 152 | 0 – 1 | Dan Lockett | 154 |
James Birch | 93 | ½ – ½ | Ivor Salter | 129 |
Mark Smith | 151 | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor | 112 |
Tony Purser | 113 | 0 – 1 | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 152 |
Ian Davies | 130 | 1 – Bye | Andrew Scotford | ug |
Round 2 – Please play by Friday 1st March 2019
White | Grade | Result | Black | Grade |
Peter Kitchen | 162 | ½ – ½ | Francis Best | 151 |
David Everington | 154 | 1 – 0 | Jim Wilkinson | U |
Norman O’Connor | 113 | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser | 119 |
Ivor Salter | 125 | 1 – 0 | Ian Davies | 129 |
Stephen Priestley (w/d) | 141 | 0 – 1 | James Birch | U |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 157 | 1 – 0 | Dan Lockett | 162 |
Mark Smith | 141 | ½ – ½ | Ted Eales | 143 |
Round 1 – Please play by 25th December 2018
White | Grade | Result | Black | Grade |
Dan Lockett | 162 | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith | 141 |
Ian Davies | 129 | 0 – 1 | Peter Kitchen | 162 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 157 | ½ – ½ | Ivor Salter | 125 |
Tony Purser | 119 | ½ – ½ | David Everington | 154 |
Francis Best | 151 | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor | 113 |
James Birch | U | 0 – 1 | Ted Eales | 143 |
Jim Wilkinson | U | 1 – 0 | Stephen Priestley | U |
2017-2018 Tournament
The Club Champion for 2017/18 with four points is Ted Eales, congratulations and well played.
Equal second with three and a half points each are Peter Kitchen, Daniel Lockett and Francis Best, also honourable mention to Ian Davies, Ivor Salter and Tony Purser all on two and a half points.
Round 5
White | Grade | Result | Black | Grade |
Dan Lockett | 162 | ½ – ½ | Peter Kitchen | 162 |
David Everington | 154 | ½ – ½ | Mark Smith | 141 |
Ted Eales | 143 | 1 – 0 | Ian Davies | 129 |
Ivor Salter | 125 | ½ – ½ | Francis Best | 151 |
Tony Purser | 119 | 1 – 0 | Aryan Jaiswal | ug |
Xabier Yardley | Harry Stanway | |||
Olusegun Ilesanmi | Withdrawn |
Round 4 – Please play by Friday 27th July 2018
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best | 151 | 1 – 0 | David Everington | 154 |
Peter Kitchen | 162 | ½ – ½ | Ivor Salter | 125 |
Mark Smith | 141 | ½ – ½ | Daniel Lockett | 162 |
Ian Davies | 129 | 1 – 0 | Tony Purser | 119 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 157 | 0 – 1 | Ted Eales | 143 |
Harry Stanway (J) | ug | Xabier Yardley (J) | ug | |
Aryan Jaiswal (J) | ug | Bye | ug |
Note from Tony: “Games to be completed by Friday 27th July. Junior games time limit 45 minutes for both players.”
Round 3 – Please play by Friday 20th April 2018
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Daniel Lockett | 159 | 1 – 0 | Ian Davies | 122 |
David Everington | 158 | ½ – ½ | Peter Kitchen | 159 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 154 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best | 149 |
Ivor Salter | 125 | ½ – ½ | Tony Purser | 116 |
Ted Eales | ug | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith | 141 |
Xabier Yardley (J) | ug | Aryan Jaiswal (J) | ug | |
Harry Stanway (J) | ug | Bye | ug |
Note from Tony: “Games to be completed by Friday 20th April. Junior games time limit 45 minutes for both players.”
Round 2 – Please play by Friday 19th January 2018
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Peter Kitchen | 154 | 1 – 0 | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 |
Ian Davies | 120 | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter | 122 |
Tony Purser | 109 | ½ – ½ | David Everington | 158 |
Francis Best | 158 | 0 – 1 | Daniel Lockett | 157 |
Mark Smith | 139 | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor | 110 |
Xabier Yardley (J) | ug | 0 -1 | Ted Eales | ug |
Aryan Jaiswal (J) | ug | Harry Stanway (J) | ug |
Round 1 – Please play by Friday 24th November 2017
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
David Everington | 158 | ½ – ½ | Ian Davies | 120 |
Norman O’Connor | 110 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best | 158 |
Daniel Lockett | 157 | ½ – ½ | Tony Purser | 109 |
Ted Eales | ug | 0 – 1 | Peter Kitchen | 154 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 | 1 – 0 | Aryan Jaiswal (J) | ug |
Harry Stanway (J) | ug | Mark Smith | 139 | |
Ivor Salter | 122 | 1 – 0 | Xabier Yardley (J) | ug |
2016-2017 Tournament:
Congratulations to David Everington who is 2017 Champion, thanks to his victory over Daniel Lockett in the final round. Things might have been so different, though. Judge for yourself by playing through the game, annotated by David, on the interesting games page or here.
Round 5 – Please play by Friday 18th August 2017
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Daniel Lockett | 148 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 157 |
Norman O’Connor | 109 | ½ – ½ | Peter Kitchen | 141 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 | Mark Smith | 145 | |
Francis Best | 156 | 1 – 0 | Heath Pearson | 73 |
Ivor Salter | 117 | ½ – ½ | Fred Harris | 111 |
Tony Purser | 108 | 1 – 0 | Bye |
Round 4 – Please play by Friday 26th May 2017
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Peter Kitchen | 141 | 0 – 1 | Daniel Lockett | 148 |
Tony Purser | 108 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 157 |
Heath Pearson | 73 | 0 – 1 | Norman O’Connor | 109 |
Ivor Salter | 117 | 0 – 1 | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 |
Fred Harris | 111 | 0 – 1 | Mark Smith | 145 |
Francis Best | 156 | 1 – 0 | Bye |
Round 3 – Please play by Friday 31st March 2017
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
David Everington | 157 | ½ – ½ | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 |
Daniel Lockett | 148 | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter | 117 |
Mark Smith | 145 | ½ – ½ | Francis Best | 156 |
Norman O’Connor | 109 | 1 – 0 | Fred Harris | 111 |
Heath Pearson | 73 | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser | 108 |
Peter Kitchen | 141 | ½ | Bye |
Round 2 – Please play by Friday 30th December 2016
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best | 158 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 157 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 | ½ – ½ | Peter Kitchen | 136 |
Mark Smith | 144 | 0 – 1 | Daniel Lockett | 149 |
Ivor Salter | 116 | ½ – ½ | Norman O’Connor | 114 |
Fred Harris | 111 | ½ – ½ | Heath Pearson | 66 |
Tony Purser | 96 | Bye |
Round 1 – Please play by Friday 25th November 2016
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Peter Kitchen | 136 | 1 – 0 | Francis Best | 158 |
David Everington | 157 | ½ – ½ | Ivor Salter | 116 |
Norman O’Connor | 114 | ½ – ½ | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 149 |
Daniel Lockett | 149 | ½ – ½ | Fred Harris | 111 |
Tony Purser | 96 | ½ – ½ | Mark Smith | 144 |
2015-2016 Tournament:
Francis and Ile both finished on 4 points and a playoff game is to be played to decide the title. Watch this space for the outcome. Update: The play-off finally occurred on 16 December 2016. Francis Best won and is thus the 2015-16 champion.
Round 5 – Please play by Friday 19th August 2016
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
David Everington (2½) | 160 | 0 – 1 | Olusegun Ilesanmi (3) | 162 |
Francis Best (3) | 163 | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith (1.5) | 146 |
Ivor Salter (2) | 119 | 0 – 1 | Daniel Lockett (2.5) | 143 |
Norman O’Connor (1.5) | 118 | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser (2) | 94 |
Fred Harris (1) | 121 | Ian Davies (1) | 121 | |
Round 4 – Please play by Friday 27th May 2016
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | 162 | ½ – ½ | Francis Best | 163 |
David Everington | 160 | ½ – ½ | Mark Smith | 146 |
Daniel Lockett | 143 | 1 – 0 | Fred Harris | 104 |
Ivor Salter | 119 | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor | 118 |
Ian Davies | 121 | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser | 94 |
Round 3 – Please play by Friday 1st April 2016
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best | 163 | ½ – ½ | Daniel Lockett | 143 |
Norman O’Connor | 118 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 160 |
Ian Davies | 121 | 0 – 1 | Olusegun Ilesanmi | 162 |
Mark Smith | 146 | ½ – ½ | Ivor Salter | 119 |
Tony Purser | 94 | ½ – ½ | Fred Harris | 104 |
Round 2 – Please play by Friday 5th February 2016
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
David Everington | 162 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best | 160 |
Olusegun Ilesanmi | ug | ½ – ½ | Norman O’Connor | 115 |
Daniel Lockett | 150 | 1 – 0 | Mark Smith | 148 |
Fred Harris | 103 | 0 – 1 | Ian Davies | 119 |
Ivor Salter | 117 | ½ – ½ | Tony Purser | 95 |
Round 1 – Please play by Friday 27th November 2015
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Ian Davies | 119 | 0 – 1 | David Everington | 162 |
Francis Best | 160 | 1 – 0 | Ivor Salter | 117 |
Norman O’Connor | 115 | 1 – 0 | Daniel Lockett | 150 |
Mark Smith | 148 | ½ – ½ | Fred Harris | 103 |
Tony Purser | 95 | 0 – 1 | Olusegun Ilesanmi | ug |
2014-2015 Tournament:
The winner of the 2014-15 Club Championship was David Everington on 4½ points with Mark Smith and Ivor Salter equal second on 3½ points.
Round 5 – Please play by Friday 24th July 2015
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Mark Smith |
126 | ½ – ½ | David Everington |
151 |
Ivor Salter |
116 | 1 – 0 | Peter Kitchen |
140 |
Ian Davies |
112 | ½ – ½ | Daniel Lockett |
155 |
Fred Harris |
100 | 0 – 1 | Francis Best |
158 |
Heath Pearson |
70 | 0 – 1 | Tony Purser |
99 |
Norman O’Connor |
115 | 1 – 0 | Bye |
Round 4 – Please play by Friday 12th June 2015
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best |
158 | 0 – 1 | David Everington |
151 |
Peter Kitchen |
140 | ½ – ½ | Mark Smith |
126 |
Ivor Salter |
116 | 1 – 0 | Norman O’Connor |
115 |
Daniel Lockett |
155 | 1 -0 | Tony Purser |
99 |
Fred Harris |
100 | 1 -0 | Heath Pearson |
70 |
Ian Davies |
112 | Bye |
Round 3 – Please play by Friday 17th April 2015
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
David Everington |
151 | 1-0 | Peter Kitchen |
140 |
Francis Best |
158 | 1-0 | Daniel Lockett |
155 |
Mark Smith |
126 | 1-0 | Ian Davies |
112 |
Norman O’Connor |
115 |
1-0 | Heath Pearson |
70 |
Tony Purser |
99 | ½-½ | Ivor Salter |
116 |
Fred Harris |
100 | 1-0 | Bye |
Round 2 – Please play by Friday 30th January 2015
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Peter Kitchen |
140 |
1-0 | Francis Best |
158 |
Heath Pearson |
70 |
0-1 | David Everington |
151 |
Daniel Lockett |
155 |
½-½ | Mark Smith |
126 |
Ian Davies |
112 |
1-0 | Norman O’Connor |
115 |
Ivor Salter |
116 |
1-0 | Fred Harris |
100 |
Tony Purser |
99 |
1-0 | Bye |
Round 1 – Please play by Friday 5th December 2014
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best | 158 |
1-0 | Ivor Salter | 116 |
Norman O’Connor | 115 |
½-½ | Daniel Lockett | 155 |
David Everington | 151 |
1-0 | Ian Davies | 112 |
Fred Harris | 100 |
0-1 | Peter Kitchen | 140 |
Mark Smith | 126 |
1-0 | Tony Purser | 99 |
Heath Pearson | 70 |
1-0 | Bye |
The winner for the 2013-14 season was Daniel Lockett, who complemented his unbeaten league and cup season with a score of 4½ out of 5, ahead of Francis and Matt Best who shared second place with 4/5 apiece.
2013-2014 Tournament:
Round 5
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Matt Best | 138 |
½-½ | Francis Best | 168 |
Daniel Lockett | 139 |
1-0 | Ian Davies | 112 |
David Everington | 163 |
1-0 | Peter Kitchen | 143 |
Tony Purser | 102 |
0-1 | Mark Smith | 129 |
Norman O’Connor | 120 |
– | Heath Pearson | 78 |
Ivor Salter | 124 |
1-0 |
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best | 168 |
½-½ | Daniel Lockett | 139 |
Peter Kitchen | 143 |
0-1 | Matt Best | 138 |
Ivor Salter | 124 |
½-½ | David Everington | 163 |
Ian Davies | 112 |
½-½ | Norman O’Connor | 120 |
Heath Pearson | 78 |
0-1 | Tony Purser | 102 |
Mark Smith | 129 |
1-0 | Default |
Round 3
White |
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Daniel Lockett | 139 | 1-0 | Peter Kitchen | 143 |
David Everington | 163 | 0-1 | Francis Best | 168 |
Matt Best | 138 | 1-0 | Ivor Salter | 124 |
Tony Purser | 102 | 0-1 | Ian Davies | 112 |
Mark Smith | 129 | ½-½ | Norman O’Connor | 120 |
Heath Pearson | 78 | 1-0 | Default |
Round 2
White |
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Francis Best | 168 |
1-0 | Tony Purser | 97 |
Norman O’Connor | 132 |
½-½ | David Everington | 165 |
Peter Kitchen | 148 |
1-0 | Fred Harris | 94 |
Ian Davies | 120 |
½-½ | Matt Best | 147 |
Daniel Lockett | 137 |
1-0 | Mark Smith | 125 |
Heath Pearson | 82 |
0-1 | Ivor Salter | 135 |
Round 1
Grade |
Result |
Black |
Grade |
Tony Purser | 97 |
1-0 | Norman O’Connor | 132 |
Ivor Salter | 135 |
0-1 | Francis Best | 168 |
Fred Harris | 94 |
0-1 | Dan Lockett | 137 |
David Everington | 165 |
1-0 | Ian Davies | 120 |
Mark Smith | 125 |
0-1 | Peter Kitchen | 148 |
Matt Best | 147 |
1-0 | Heath Pearson | 82 |
mark smith
club champ result mark smith 1 fred harris 0
David Everington
Matt – I won against Ivor tonight. He missed a killer blow on move 21 and I eventually wriggled out. I must stop playing the French!